“The innermost hankering of every living soul is for beauty, love, affection, and harmony; not for power, knowledge, or anything else. This is the diagnosis of the whole creation in time and space: their common cause is one.”
“The innermost hankering of every living soul is for beauty, love, affection, and harmony; not for power, knowledge, or anything else. This is the diagnosis of the whole creation in time and space: their common cause is one.”
We strive to spread the wealth of divine love and eternal peace through the teachings of Krishna consciousness or bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion, for the upliftment of all souls.

“In the mundane plane, every unit wants to exploit the environment, whereas in the plane of dedication every unit wants to serve the environment; the real key to the life of that plane is to serve the Centre. We are living in an organic whole, so every point must be true to the organic Centre.”
— Swami B.R. Sridhar
“Where is beauty? Beauty is in the heart. We see beauty through the love and affection in our heart. … When your heart’s eyes are decorated with love and affection, then everything in front of you appears very beautiful. The vision necessary to see universal beauty comes to us through devotion.”
— Swami B.S. Govinda

“If we supply water to the root, the whole tree will be fed. Similarly, by faith we can realise that if we do everything for Him, the centre of beauty personified, everything will be very beautifully done. With all your might contribute your quota, however small, and from that point your efforts will be distributed beautifully. And this is the highest harmony. The highest life for every part is of the nature of harmony with the whole.”
— Swami B.R. Sridhar

The saints inform us, “Come home dear friend; let us go home. Why are you suffering so much trouble unnecessarily in a foreign land? The spiritual world is real. This material world is unreal; springing and vanishing, coming and going — it is a farce! From the world of farce we must come to reality.”
— Swami B.R. Sridhar