Supporting the cause

Vishakha Dasi

Hi, my name is Vishakha. I am a disciple of Swami B.S. Govinda, whom this site is named after. I am a monk in the Vaishnava tradition, and this site is a humble attempt to make the teachings of Krishna-bhakti [devotion to the Deity Krishna] more accessible to persons who are encountering it for the first time.

I travel frequently trying to support some of our international communities, and also try to make the teachings available online as much as possible — through platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Spotify, etc.

I am grateful for any support towards these expenses, as well as for contributions towards the running of some of our local centers and outreach programs. You can paypal me at (or through the Paypal.Me link below); otherwise please contact me for an alternative method. If you would like to specify what you’d like your donation to be used for drop me a line through the contact page on this site.

I also welcome any assistance with the ever-expanding online projects I and my friends are involved with. If you are interested to support the cause and have any skills which you think might be helpful, please get in touch. I can also connect you with some of our local communities to get involved with some more hands-on projects if that draws you more.

Love & peace

-Vishakha dasi